Cryptocurrency Social
Trading Simulator

Whether a new trader or an experienced trader, take advantage of our free simulated crypto exchange without risking your capital.

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Designed to help you learn how to trade
cryptocurrencies in a fun, effective and safe way.

Simulated Exchange

Theoretical paper trading is so 2017. Whether you are a new or experienced trader, Crypto Parrot is the cryptocurrency simulator where you can engage with the market and practice your strategies before moving on to the real deal. There is no safer and easier way to learn.

Earn to Learn

Your Crypto Parrot trading journey doesn’t stop with the learning. Just by growing your portfolio and getting more play dollars from your trades, every play dollar can be exchanged for real Bitcoin over Lightning Network.

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Free Learning Community

We believe that the best way for cryptocurrency to keep growing is through education. That’s why we have created the perfect space for both new and experienced traders to share knowledge, experience and successes.

Proudly Supported By

Easy to understand for newbies, yet advanced enough for experienced traders

Whether you are a new or experienced cryptocurrency trader, the Crypto Parrot simulated exchange is simple to understand and use, while keeping the advanced features that even the most experienced traders will find useful to improve their crypto trading.

Prove to the world you can trade and receive a verifcation badge

Our proprietary "proof of experience" model is used to award "verified" status to aspiring or existing traders with a track record of high or excellent performance. Use Crypto Parrot and the "proof of experience" in the real world to back up your crypto trading knowledge.

John Doe +1.23%
1 hour ago

Minimum 30 Trades

+1.5% Avg. Profit Margin

Min. 25K profit in Play USD

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